SKY ART The sky as space for projections, as a place of observation, has inspired art, science, religion and mythology (angels as model airplanes, Icarus as a sorrowful hero...). The artists of SKY ART continue this tradition discovering the sky as space for art projects.
The Sky Art Conference '82 will continue to explore the cultural mission in sky and space. It is dedicated to the peaceful use of the widening world - the universe made tangible by imagination, science and technology.
It is dedicated to curiosity, creative vision and expression; to play, wonder and communication; to integration of human efforts, to sanity and measure; to things lighter than air; to messages which travel far because they are lanky, with a fine tip; to the elegant energy of the kite string; to cranes, to the man in the moon, to Paul MacCready, Harold Edgerton and our daily oatmeal at the end of the rainbow.
We sincerely thank BRUCKNERFEST LINZ, ARS ELECTRONICA, LIVA, ORF and their directors and cooperative coworkers for inviting and hosting us. We would like to add thanks to many sponsors and supporters, notably the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the US-Embassy in Vienna.
We welcome emphatically to the Sky Art Conference '82 the C.A.V.S. Fellows and graduate students, our invited guests and collaborators and a host of special guests, friends and visitors curious about current manifestations in art and technology and sky art and telecommunication.
Otto Piene, Elizabeth Goldring - Yash Pal
Gyorgy Kepes - Ikarus, Daedalus, Antaeus
Joe Davis - Lightning Projekt, - New Wave Ruby Falls, - All Things Considered
Vera Simons - Drift Linz