The video section comprises C.A.V.S. video work of the past fifteen years. SKY ART attempts to bridge the common communication gap between art, media and technology despite the everyday, intercontinental, international problems of systems incompatibility.
Film- and Video works of C.A.V.S. - artists, 1968 - 82 - Centervideo
Rus Gant - Vision Machine
Christopher Janney - REACH!
Tal Streeter, Tom Vant Sant, Jose Maria Yturralde - Drachen
Bernd Kracke - DATA Network
Stan VanDerBeek - Steam Screens
- The Center for Advanced Visual Studies / M.I.T.:
Marc Adrian - Center 80, 1980
Vin Grabill - Centertape, 1981
Jon Rubin, Richard Leacock - Centerbeam, 1978 - 79
- C.A.V.S. Video Review, 1968 - 82
Otto Piene, Aldo Tambellini - Black Gate Cologne, 1968; The Medium is the Medium, 1969
Peter Campus - Four Short Tapes, 1973 - 74
Miralda - Santa Army Navy (excerpt), 1979
Juan Downey - The Looking Glass, 1981
Shelley Lake, Pat Hearn - Seizure, 1980
Douglas Davis - Double Entendre, 1982
Nam June Paik - Guadacanal Requiem, 1979
Betsy Connors - Selected Works, 1979 - 82
Otto Piene, Paul Earls, Benjamin Bergery, Brain Raila - Bremen Town Musicians, 1980
Bernd Kracke - Media Games, 1982
Sarah Dickinson - Portrait Scan
Ron Hays - Love Death, 1980
Aldo Tambellini - Artists' Use of Telecommunications, 1980
Antonio Muntadas - Media Ecology Ads, 1982
Aldo Tambellini - Inauguration '81, 1982
-Computer Animated Film and Video of Stan VanDerBeek