On the other hand it sure is necessary to give some elements, a basis to
start from. Thus we invited the Arts critic Pierluigi Tazzi - who knows our
work from the beginning - to write a short essay about the historical
background out of which our artistic working has arisen.
In fact, the following short script presents a survey of the theatrical
phenomena we always refer to, when trying to propose a new language, shifting
our attention towards the future, well aware of the fact that this will not be
possible without a knowledge of history, without training and the experience of
the past.
AURORA thus presents a condition of an overall event, where nothing is
given as a simple pule of sensorial stimulation, but the whole event is rather
structure as an oscillation to be lived within, being at the same time a
scenario distached from the spectator as well as an active container involving
the spectator and making him become part of the event.
May all that show the general topic of transformation, of metamorphosis,
through which even this project has been realized.
Pina Izzi