Archive for the "ars electronica center" Category

Impressions of AEC

The Ars Electronica Center’s exhibition that debuted on January 2, 2009 is focusing on fields in which the most massive and controversial innovative thrust is now in the process of emerging: the life sciences.

U19 – Ceremony

Festivalparcour Ars Electronica

A tour through Brucknerhaus, Ars Electronica Center, 80+1 at Hauptplatz, and the University of Arts.

Façade Festival: FM4

FM4 and freyluft made radio waves tangible like never before with a performance played on the pixel-like surface of the new Ars Electronica Center. 40.000s LEDs on the 5.100-square-meter glass skin were switched on.

WUP – pictures of the façade project of St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences



