repair – Ars Electronica Press MediaService Wed, 20 May 2020 16:11:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 REPAIR – ready to pull the lifeline / Ars Electronica Festival 2010 Thu, 12 Aug 2010 10:10:58 +0000 The 2010 Ars Electronica Festival takes place from September 2-11, on the grounds of what used to be Linz’s tobacco processing plant (Gruberstraße 1, 4020 Linz).  X


The 2010 Ars Electronica Festival is intensely focusing on humankind’s current ecological, economic and political crises. This set won’t feature oldies nostalgically recalling how great
things used to be; the name of this tune is getting down to work on a better tomorrow. MORE ON THE TOPIC


This year’s venue is an absolutely extraordinary location: Tabakfabrik Linz. Constructed by architects Peter Behrens (DE) and Alexander Popp (AT) in the 1930s, the  Tabakfabrik is now protected as a historic landmark. MORE ON THE LOCATION


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ASIMO IN DEEP SPACE. Honda’s humanoid robot ASIMO is the Ars Electronica Center’s star guest September 2-8, 2010. Press conference: August 31, 2010 / 10:30 AM / Ars Electronica Center, Deep Space / Press Release

Richard Kriesche is the 2010 Featured Artist. Voestalpine’s Stahlwelt–The World of Steel is the congenial setting for “blood and tears,” Austrian artist Richard Kriesche’s latest work. Press conference: September 1, 2010 / 10 AM / voestalpine Stahlwelt / Press Release

Welcome & CyberArts 2010. Right after we welcome the ladies and gentlemen of the press to Ars Electronica 2010, we’ll offer a preview of this year’s CyberArts show. Press conference: September 2, 2010 / 10 AM / Tabakfabrik, Info Lounge / Press Release Campus 2010: Expanded Interface & Playful Interface Cultures. The Campus Exhibition has become an annual feature. This year, it showcases work being done at Darmstadt (Germany) University of Applied Sciences and in Linz Art University’s Interface Cultures program. Opening: September 2, 2010 / 12 Noon / Tabakfabrik, Building 1, 1st Upper Level

Japan Media Arts Festival: ROBOT-ISM. The spotlight is on the development of robot animation since the 1960s. Opening: September 2, 2010 / 1:45 PM / Tabakfabrik, Building 2, 3rd Upper Level

PROBLEMA. 112 outstanding individuals from 56 countries gathered at the “Table of Free Voices” in 2006 in Berlin. The point: to find answers to 100 questions about our globalized world. Director Ralf Schmerberg has turned this into a fascinating film. World premiere: September 2, 2010 / 2:30 PM / Tabakfabrik, Building 2, Ground Floor

CyberArts. The 2010 Prix Ars Electronica’s greatest hits. Opening: September 2, 2010 / 4 PM / Tabakfabrik, Magazine Ground Floor & 2nd Upper Level

Sound Space. The acoustics in Tabakfabrik Linz’s high-bay warehouse make for incredibly long reverberations, which positively predestines this space to serve as a site for sound experiments. Opening: September 2, 2010 / 5:30 PM / Tabakfabrik, Sound Space

Repair Choir. The ORF – Austrian Broadcasting Company’s Upper Austria Regional Studio and Ars Electronica jointly present a Complaints Choir. World premiere: September 2, 2010 / 7 PM / Hauptplatz

Frozen Music. The opening event of Ars Electronica 2010. Opening: September 2, 2010 / 8:30 PM / Tabakfabrik, Courtyard

Summary and Review. September 8, 2010 / 10:00 AM / Tabakfabrik, Building 1, 5th Upper Level / Press Release and final Press Release

Raise Your Voice Fri, 23 Jul 2010 08:10:17 +0000 (Linz, July 27, 2010) A “garbage slick” four times larger than Germany is now floating in the middle of the Pacific. The Rio Grande, Ganges, Nile, Mekong and others of the world’s most important river systems are on the verge of ecological collapse. Worldwide, 40% more CO2 will be emitted this year than in 1990—CO2 that further exacerbates climate change. And day after day, up to 150 plant and animal species die out, which means that we’re experiencing the greatest mass extinction since the dinosaurs disappeared! And that’s not all: there’s our untrammeled exploitation of natural resources, unscrupulous speculation to profit from tumbling security prices, burgeoning corruption, the rollback of civil rights and, of course, our political “leaders”—devoid of ideas, spineless, lobbyists’ lackeys. Ars Electronica’s response is: Raise Your Voice! We emphatically direct your attention to the artists who—some quite vociferously, others in more subtle fashion—are making their dissatisfaction evident. These are exemplary efforts meant to encourage all of us to make ourselves heard loud and clear. “Raise Your Voice” will run July 30-September 26, 2010 on the 2nd Upper Level of the Ars Electronica Center. … Read more

Midway – Message from the Gyre (2009) / Chris Jordan

Midway – Message from the Gyre / Chris Jordan / Printversion / Album

ABOUT Ars Electronica Festival Mon, 04 Jan 2010 09:00:31 +0000 Ars Electronica made its debut on September 18, 1979. This festival of art, technology and society spotlighted the emerging Digital Revolution. Within a few years, Ars Electronica developed into one of the world’s foremost media art festivals. And its growing success was paralleled by the expansion of its annual lineup of events. Read more

Bleu Remix / Yann MarussichBleu Remix, Yann Marrusich / rubra / Printversion / Album
