Physik macht cool!

02.09.2011 Fr/Fri 10:00-14:00, LANDGANG

How do you catch tiny atoms? And how do you cool them down to a temperature colder than the coldest freezer? This interactive exhibition explains trapping atoms and cooling lasers. Here, curious youngsters can have fun aiming the laser at matter and experiencing how collisions of light particles can be harnessed to make atoms a million times colder than outer space. You can get the answers to these and other questions in the computer simulations and model experiments in Physics Make You Cool!

Kathrin Buczak (AT), Dominik Fischer ( AT), Michael Gring (AT), Rudolf Mitsch (AT), Tobias Nöbauer (AT), Wolfgang Rohringer (AT), Michael Trupke (AT), Christiane M. Losert-Valiente Kroon (AT)

VCQ (AT), TU Wien (AT), Universität Wien (AT), ATI (AT), CoQuS (AT)
Fr/Fri 2.9., 10:00 – 14:00
Landgang, Hauptplatz, Mobiles Ö1 Atelier

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