FTI.Remixed-Mobility / Moving Smarter II
04.09.2011 So/Sun 13:00-15:00, LANDGANGFti.remixed-mobility is a creative workshop for young people to consider the future of transportation. In the moving smarter II workshop young people age 14 and up can give free rein to their imagination in designing their version of the vehicle of tomorrow. Whoever submits a photo of his/her design to the www.ftiremixed.at website is automatically entered in a drawing to win an eBike, an iPhone or a one-day internship at an automobile manufacturer.
BMVIT – Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (AT)
So/Son 4.9., 13:00 – 15:00
Landgang Hauptplatz, Mobiles Ö1 Atelier
Für Jugendliche ab 14 Jahren
Anmeldung telefonisch unter +43 (0)699 17781559 oder unter ars.electronica.art/createyourworld erbeten