Experimental Game Design

31.08.2011 Mi/Wed - 06.09.2011 Di/Tue 10:00-21:00, ZWISCHENDECK und MASCHINENRAUM

Young designers and up-and-coming creatives
in the field of interactive game design will work
together with festivalgoers to come up with
elements for a game. The aim is blend in analog
techniques to produce a game-playing performance
for the theatrical stage.

FH Hagenberg (AT) /  Studiengänge Interactive Media und Digital Arts
Mi/Wed 31.8. – Di/Tue 6.9., 10:00 – 21:00
Performance: Do/Thu 1.9., 19:00 – 21:00
Ars Electronica Quarter, Zwischendeck und Maschinenraum

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