Home Made Music Workshop
31.08.2011 Mi/Wed - 01.09.2011 Do/Thu 17:30-20:30, KAJÜTESweet Susie (AT), Dub Club icon, cultural worker and curator in the field of music and visual arts, motivates young women to utilize digital technology to compose and produce their own music. The workshop provides an introduction to sound production using software that enables users to record, arrange, program beats, (re)mix and orchestrate live performances.
Sweet Susie (AT), femous – Plattform für famous female culture (AT)
Mi/Wed 31.8. – Do/Thu 1.9., 17:30 – 20:30
Ars Electronica Quarter, Kajüte
Für junge Frauen von 16-19 Jahren
[…] ist die Soundproduktion. Deshalb wird die Dub Club-Ikone, Sweet Susie (AT), junge Frauen den HOME MADE MUSIC WORKSHOPS dazu motivieren Musik mithilfe digitaler Technik selbst zu komponieren und produzieren. Erklären […]