DIY Makeaway

04.09.2011 Mi/Wed - 06.09.2011 Di/Tue 10:00-19:00, TROCKENDOCK

“Make Your Own Stuff!!” is the motto. Kids can drop by whenever they have the time and the inclination. They’ll learn to construct tiny electronic switches that can be combined to produce a “Vive-la-Resistance” noisemaker/synthesizer or a light seeker mini-robot.

SGMK – Schweizer Gesellschaft für Mechatronische Kunst (CH) in kooperation mit KulturGüter-Schuppen
Marc Dusseiller, Robertina Šebjanič, Uwe Schüler, Jördis Drawe, Monika Pocrnjić
So/Sun 4.0 – Di/Tue 6.9., 10:00 – 19:00
Ars Electronica Quarter, Trockendock
Für Kinder ab 8 Jahren

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