DIY Biolab

31.08.2011 Mi/Wed - 03.09.2011 Di/Tue 10:00-19:00, TROCKENDOCK

In the BioLab, hackteria will show youngsters the world of microorganisms like protozoa, algae and fungi, and what it takes to perform experiments on them. This normally entails expensive equipment, but it’s low-tech infrastructure being deployed this time. Hacktería offers courses on how to clone plants, investigate cells and analyze DNA.

hackteria – Marc Dusseiller (CH), Špela Petrič, Maja Smrekar, Aaron Joseph, Fahrad Mehta
Mi/Wed 31.8. – Di/Tue 3.9., 10:00 – 19:00
Ars Electronica Quarter, Trockendock

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