NANK Continuity

31.08.2011 Mi/Wed - 06.09.2011 Di/Tue 10:00-19:00, TROCKENDOCK und LANDGANG

NANK (AT/DE) is staging four workshops and/or excursions in conjunction with u19 CREATE YOUR WORLD. high tech.high touch entails intensive use of screwdrivers and soldering irons. Youngsters will work with Nora Dibowski (AT) to build LED cubes and LED textiles together in such a way that they react to each other. The materials include compostable and thus biodegradable circuits. On the malecón von linz city walking tour, representatives of the FAB (AT) educational facility and Schwemmland (AT) association will teach youngsters about the aquaponics agricultural cycle principle and they’ll put it into practice together. outside the box – kopf schlägt kapital is the name of the game when the 3D visualization & mobile solutions experts from Friendly Fire Wien (AT) program an application for smartphones together with young people. Tateti (Spanish for cheese cupboard) is designed to facilitate people swapping things they don’t need any more. Finally, NANK throws himself into videopiracy—works with and by youngsters will be documented on video and the people of Linz will be confronted with spontaneous presentations at various spots around town.

Mi 31.8. Eröffnung Bühne LED Cube, Aquaponic Anlage und NANK Videos etc.

Do 1.9. 11.00-13.00; 14.00-16.00 high tech.high touch | malecón von linz | videopiracy
Fr 2.9. 11.00-13.00; 14.00-16.00 high tech.high touch | videopiracy linz | outside the box – kopf schlägt kapital
17.00-19.00 malecón von linz – Streifzug Tabakfabrik
Sa 3.9. 11.00-13.00; 14.00-16.00 high tech.high touch | malecón von linz | outside the box – kopf schlägt kapital | videopiracy
So 4.9. 11.00-13.00; 14.00-16.00 outside the box – kopf schlägt kapital | videopiracy | high tech.high touch
Mo 5.9. 11.00-13.00; 14.00-16.00 malecón von linz | outside the box – kopf schlägt kapital
Di 6.9. 11.00-13.00; 14.00-16.00 videopiracy | outside the box – kopf schlägt kapital

Mi/Wed 31.8. – Di/Tue 6.9., 10:00 – 19:00
Ars Electronica Quarter, Trockendock und Landgang

2 Responses to “NANK Continuity”

  • Gibt es irgendwo einen genauen Zeitplan, wann und wo die jeweiligen Aktivitäten angeboten werden? Vielen Dank, Karl Derntl

  • Ein genauer Zeitplan wird gerade erstellt, sobald er fertig ist, wird er hier veröffentlicht.