The film program put together for ORIGIN Cinema includes works using a wide array of styles, formats and narrative techniques. What they have in common are plots that move in the direction of the origins of developments and stories.

Ton Band Maschine – Elektronische Musik in Deutschland, credit: Ton Band Maschine

Into Eternity is an epic thriller about the world’s first attempt to hide nuclear waste for all eternity. A brand new MacBook Pro is the protagonist of Dear Steve. In it, the fashionable tool is deconstructed in the literal sense of the word—and the triumphal rhetoric of what is purportedly immaterial “new” work along with it.

The animated film Oh by Anouk de Clercq traces the utopian spirit of Étienne-Louis Boullée (FR), an 18th-century architect whose best-known work is a gigantic shrine to Isaac Newton.

In Saurüssel, Chris Müller (AT) focuses on the dark side of Zipf, a village in the Province of Upper Austria that was the site of a concentration camp during the Nazi era. An attempt to attain clarity about a nebulous story.

The Third & The Seventh attempts to create architecture with the lens of a camera and thereby unite the third and seventh arts.
And finally, Ton Band Maschine is an account of the history of electronic music in Germany told as the history of the sound studios in which that music was produced.

AUN – The Beginning And The End of All Things by Edgar Honetschläger (AT) tells a story crossing Japan and Brasil about the human urge to design the future and the primal fear of the Apocalypse.


AUN. The Beginning And The End of All Things (Edgar Honetschläger / AT)
Dear Steve (Herman Asselberghs / BE)
Into Eternity (Michael Madsen / DK)
Oh (Anouk de Clercq / BE)
Saurüssel – Labyrinth der Erinnerung (Chris Müller / AT)
The Third & The Seventh (Alex Roman / ES)
Ton Band Maschine – Elektronische Musik in Deutschland (Studio für Elektronische Musik der HfMT Köln / DE, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln / DE)

with kind support of PORR

2 Responses to “ORIGIN CINEMA”

  • Jürgen

    Hallo Leute!

    Ich habe vor einiger Zeit die Website von “TONBANDMASCHINE” entdeckt und habe durch die Website erfahren, dass dieser Film “Elektronische Musik in Deutschland” in Linz im Rahmen des Ars Electronica Festivals im Bruckerhaus gespielt wird. Leider konnte ich bisher keine Möglichkeit finden Tickets von dieser Vorstellung zu erwerben. Bitte um Info wie und wo ich die Tickets erwerben kann.

    vielen Dank

    Jürgen Haunschmidt

  • michaelka

    Einfach im Brucknerhaus vorbeikommen. Es handelt sich beim ORIGIN Cinema nicht um eine einmalige Vorstellung, die Filme laufen ständig im Brucknerhaus, Sie können also von 1.9. bis 6.9 in den Öffnungszeiten (10:00-19:00 Uhr, Samstag 10:00-17:30 Uhr) vorbeikommen und den Film Ihrer Wahl genießen.