Johannes Kofler (AT), Anton Zeilinger (AT), Lisa Randall (US), Derrick de Kerckhove (CA)
15:00–15:30 Johannes Kofler (AT): From Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics – A Revolution in the Natural Sciences
15:30–16:10 Anton Zeilinger (AT): The World of Quanta: From Fundamental Questions to a New Technology
16:10–16:30 Break
16:30–17:10 Lisa Randall (US): What’s So Small to You is So Large to Me: Physics and Scale
17:10–17:45 Derrick de Kerckhove (CA): A New Adventure of Language
17:45–18:00 Discussion

Moderated by Gerfried Stocker (AT)


The afternoon session will switch to another realm at the leading edge of science—quantum physics. Johannes Kofler (AT) from the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) will introduce us to the key areas of research in the field of quantum physics. Anton Zeilinger (AT), one of the world’s leading quantum physicists, will elaborate on how findings in the field of quantum physics could lead to the emergence of new technologies. A very different approach will be taken by Lisa Randall (US), a leading theoretical physicist and expert in particle physics, string theory and cosmology. Derrick de Kerckhove (CA) examines the philosophical consequences and cultural impact of the findings generated by this basic research, which he will then discuss in a concluding round table with the other symposium participants.

Johannes Kofler (AT) finished ihs doctoral studies in Theoretical Quantum Physics, which he finished “sub auspiciis praesidentis” in 2008. Since then, Johannes Kofler is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Anton Zeilinger (AT) is a professor of physics at the University of Vienna. His pioneering conceptual and experimental contributions to the foundations of quantum physics have become the cornerstone for the rapidly-evolving field of quantum information.
Lisa Randall (US) studies theoretical particle physics and cosmology at Harvard University. Her research connects theoretical insights to puzzles in our current understanding of the properties and interactions of matter. She has developed and studied a wide variety of models to address these questions, the most prominent involving extra dimensions of space.
Derrick de Kerckhove (CN)worked with Marshall McLuhan as translator and co-author and was Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology until 2008. Beside his interest in questions concerning communication, he supports new artistic developments that combine art, technology and emerged media communication. He is currently researching the effects of technology on the human consciousness.

2 Responses to “ORIGIN SYMPOSIUM II”

  • marianne

    In welcher Sprache wird das Symposium abgehalten?

  • michaelka

    Die Vorträge werden zumeist in der jeweiligen Muttersprache abgehalten, hier gibt es eine Simulatonübersetzung ins Deutsche, der man per Kopfhörer, den man beim Eingang erhält, folgen kann. Wird der Vortrag auf Deutsch gehalten, gibt es an Stelle der deutschen Übersetzung eine englische.