12:00 Best of Deep Space
14:00 Best of Deep Space
15:30 Best of Deep Space
17:00 Best of Deep Space (in English)
18:00 Vocal-VI
18:30 Codeform
19:00 Best of Deep Space
20:00 Best of Deep Space
10:30 u19 Ceremony
12:00 Best of Deep Space
13:00 Codeform
13:30 Best of Deep Space
14:30 Brain Sculpturing
16:00 Codeform
17:00 Vocal-VI
18:00 Deep Space Music
19:00 Weltbilder in der Astronomie / Reaching Out Into The Deep Universe
20:00 Global-Mind-Spirit
20:30 Best of Deep Space
10:30 Best of Deep Space
11:00 Tsunagari & Authagraph
12:00 Best of Deep Space
12:30 Weltbilder in der Astronomie
13:30 Best of Deep Space
14:00 Reaching Out Into The Deep Universe
15:00 The Big Planet: Giant Planet Jupiter
16:00 Best of Deep Space
16:30 Tsunagari & Authagraph
17:30 Best of Deep Space (in English)
18:30 Deep Space Music
19:30 100YC
10:00 Vom Sternenstaub zu neuen Sternen
11:00 Best of Deep Space
13:00 – 18:00 Limelight
18:30 Kartografische Schätze
19:30 Global-Mind-Spirit
20:30 Vocal-VI
11:00 Best of Deep Space
12:00 Best of Deep Space
12:30 Codeform
13:00 Reaching Out Into The Deep Universe
14:00 Weltbilder in der Astronomie
15:00 Best of Deep Space
16:00 Brain Sculpturing
17:30 Best of Deep Space (in English)
18:30 Deep Space Music
19:30 Best of Deep Space
20:00 Global-Mind-Spirit
Highlights from the Deep Space Program.
Rúrí (IS)
Do/Thu 30. 8. 18:00 – 18:30
Fr/Fri 31. 8. 17:00 – 17:30
So/Sun 2. 9. 20:30 – 21:00
Iceland is rich in spectacular rainbows and waterfalls, which are often and willingly used to underscore the island’s “mythic” character. But it’s precisely this image that Icelandic artist Rúrí strives to relativize in “Archive – Endangered Waters,” a series of works she began in 2000. With it, she seeks to call to the international public’s attention the destruction of these very waterfalls by massive hydroelectric projects. “Archive” consists of multimedia installations that display acoustic and visual portraits of Iceland’s endangered waterfalls. These threatened waters are also the subject of “Vocal-VI,” a video performance created especially for Deep Space. In her inimitable style, the artist juxtaposes the water’s violent force to a formal fragility in order to bring out the vulnerability of the environment’s hydrologic balance.
Jon McCormack (AU)
Do/Thu 30. 8. 18:30 – 19:00
Fr/Fri 31. 8. 13:00 – 13:30
Mo/Mon 3. 9. 12:30 – 13:00
You don’t have to be God to create life. In Deep Space, all it takes is a regular admission ticket. “Codeform” is a work by Jon McCormack (AU) who, during his stint as artist-in-residence at the Ars Electronica Futurelab, also created “Fifty Sisters” (see page XX) that’s on display in the Lobby. “Codeform” transforms any QR code into an artificial life form. A ticket code is scanned in on site and serves as a digital gene. Deep Space becomes an ecosystem in which the code morphs into an egg and then an embryo. It grows, matures, and begins to move.
Soon, it ventures forth into the 3D world of Deep Space, which it explores together with other Codeform creatures. Their lifespan varies—some creatures die after a short time; others undergo steady development and survive to be part of the next performance. Visitors can return to Deep Space repeatedly and use their ticket to check out what’s become of “their” creature.
After the festival, “Codeform” will be an ongoing feature at the Ars Electronica Center.
Fr/Fri 31. 8. 14:30
Mo/Mon 3. 9. 16:00
Am Computer Bilder zu malen, ohne dabei die Hände, Tastatur oder Maus einzusetzen: Brain Painting macht es durch ein Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) und spezielle Software möglich (siehe Seite XX). Adi Hoesle (DE) demonstriert in den Brain-Painting-Sessions im Deep Space, wie durch bewusste Gehirnaktivität Bilder entstehen.
Warren Keller (US)
Fr/Fri 31. 8. 19:00
Sa/Sat 1. 9. 14:00
Mo/Mon 3. 9. 13:00
Warren Keller is one of the USA’s top astrophotographers, and his skill in using filters in Adobe’s Photoshop graphics editing program is unsurpassed—after all, he developed some of them himself! Keller also possesses comprehensive knowledge about the history of deep-sky astrophotography that captures images from distant realms of the cosmos. In his Deep Space session, the successful former musician and songwriter will demonstrate how deep-sky photographers work and how even amateurs can take pictures that can hold their own against those shot by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Dietmar Hager (AT)
Fr/Fri 31. 8. 19:00
Sa/Sat 1. 9. 12:30
Mo/Mon 3. 9. 14:00
Deep Space curator Dietmar Hager (AT), astronomer, astrophotographer and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, invites you on an astronomical excursion through human cultural history. He’ll explain why humankind has been oriented on the stars since time immemorial, and how the starry night sky has always been a prime determinant in how human beings picture the world. A fascinating look back in history enables us to comprehend which impediments had to be surmounted on our path from archaic views to the way we see things now—and what sacrifices had to be made to achieve this.
Manfred Litzlbauer (AT)
Fr/Fri 31. 8. 20:00
So/Sun 2. 9. 19:30
Mo/Mon 3. 9. 20:00
A work at the nexus of theology, computer science and marketing, the graphical browser Global-Mind-Spirit searches the internet worldwide for evidence of higher consciousness and spirituality. Spirituality may indeed be difficult to fathom, but—from a scholarly perspective—it requires real acts as well as locations such as the internet. Like a radar installation, the browser works according to preset concepts, and specifies a point in graphic form for each link found.
The result is a big picture of spiritual propagation. The fields that have already been investigated include global problem areas, powerful persons, strong brand names and cinematic films distributed worldwide. The highest spiritual density is concentrated around the Dalai Lama; among the brands, young technology companies are the strongest. This can be seen in the form of high-definition 2D diagrams.
Maholo Uchida (JP), Hajime Narukawa(JP)
Sa/Sat 1. 9. 11:00, 16:30
Tsunagari (Japanese: relationship), a complex project by the Miraikan National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (JP), paves the way towards a totally new understanding of relationships within the Earth’s gigantic ecosystems, and thus a new understanding of ourselves. In Deep Space, Maholo Uchida (JP) presents the components of this amazing installation. Miraikan’s Geo-Cosmos is the world’s first globe consisting of LEDs. And a giant globe it is! Geo-Scope is its control tool, which enables the globe to depict all sorts of geo-data—for example, earthquake activity anywhere on the Blue Planet. The Geo-Pallet Web interface lets users configure world maps custom-tailored to the breadth and depth of their interests.
That’s exactly what the Authagraph software conceived by Hajime Narukawa (JP) does too. It generates magnificent, decentralized (as it were) world maps and makes hundreds of parameters available to the user configuring it. And as if that weren’t enough, thanks to a special method, the images applied to two-dimensional surfaces are free of distortion.
Yuri Beletsky (UA)
So/Sun 2. 9. 10:00
In a live remote hookup via Skype with Las Campanas, Chile (where it’s still dark long after sunrise in Europe), European Southern Observatory photo-ambassador Yuri Beletsky (UA) of the Carnegie Science Institute will show how he takes spectacular images of the heavens using the world’s best terrestrial telescope.
Damian Peach (UK)
Sa/Sat 1. 9. 15:00
Though occupationally speaking “only” an amateur, Damian Peach (UK) is one of the world’s top astrophotographers. He specializes in high-definition images of planets, shots that have garnered him tremendous esteem within the international astronomical community. In Deep Space, Peach will display images of Jupiter to illustrate how proper processing makes it possible to produce breathtaking pictures even with a conventional telescope, and how dedicated amateur photographers provide indispensible aid to professional astronomers in the ongoing development of astrophotography.
Maki Namekawa (JP), NOHlab/Plato Media Lab (TR)
Fr/Fri 31.8. 18:00
Sa/Sat 1. 9. 18:30
Mo/Mon 3. 9. 18:30
Deep Space Music brings together sound and image, music and computer animation in a way that transforms the projection space into a setting for intimate experiences. In it, Japanese pianist Maki Namekawa will play a program of works by three visionary composers who are also regarded as great thinkers. Her piano concert musically celebrates the 60th birthday of Ryuchi Sakamoto (JP) and Philip Glass’ (US) 75th, and commemorates the 100th anniversary of the birth of John Cage (US).
Prix Ars Electronica prizewinner Candaş Şişman (TR) and a crew from NOHlab/Plato Media Lab (TR) will contribute an extraordinary live visualization. In order to provide Ms. Namekawa with latitude for spontaneous improvisation, Şişman and friends will be working live in real time, though, in doing so, they’ll have recourse to a repertoire of prepared graphic elements that are the outcome of an intensive process of encounter with the respective pieces of music.
Deniz Kader (Art Direction/Visuals, NOHlab / TR), Candaş Şişman (Art Direction/Visuals, NOHlab / TR); Bager Akbay (Team Supervisor, Plato Media Lab / TR), Mehmet Kalaman, Ismail Kasarci, Osman Koc, Zeynep Nal, Zeynep Ozkazanc, Güliz Turan, Senem Umut (Coding and Support, Plato Media Lab / TR)
Peter Tomaž Dobrila (SI), Tom Kovac (AU), Patrick Schumacher (DE)
Sa/Sat 1. 9. 19:30
Mit Ausstellungen, Symposien und verschiedenen Onlineprojekten blickt 100YC weit in die Zukunft der Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt Maribor 2012 voraus – nämlich bis zum Jahr 2112. Alles in allem beteiligen sich über 30 Universitäten sowie rund 100 Studios und Büros an dem aus 100 Teilprojekten zusammengesetzten Zukunftsentwurf. Peter Tomaž Dobrila (SI), Tom Kovac (AU) und Patrick Schumacher (DE) geben im Deep Space einen Einblick in den momentanen Stand des visionären Vorhabens.
Fachhochschule Hagenberg (AT)
So/Sun 2. 9. 13:00 – 18:00
Ars Electronica Center, Deep Space
Limelight is a three-dimensional public interaction game that undergrads in Hagenberg’s Interactive Media and Digital Arts program invite visitors to u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD to play. The chief protagonist of this game set in a magical world is a little wizard attempting to make his way through the darkness to his destination. Eerily glowing goblins are his allies—but behind them are none other than the players, whom a tracking system depicts as balls of light. On the other hand, a cell phone is all anyone needs to put obstacles in the wizard’s way—a simple SMS suffices to bring monsters into play.
Jeremiah Diephuis (US), Gerald Hauzenberger (AT), Wolfgang Hochleitner (AT), Rene Ksuz (AT), Michael Lankes (AT), Thomas Peintner (AT), Madgalena Soukup (AT)
Günter Kalliauer (AT)
So/Sun 2. 9. 18:30
Günter Kalliauer, Leiter des Welser Stadtarchivs, präsentiert kartografische Schätze, erzählt von ihrem Wert als unersetzbare Quellen für die Geschichtsforschung, ihrem hohen künstlerischen Wert und ihrer Funktion als Zeugnis der herausragenden intellektuellen Leistungen ihrer Urheber. Im Laufe seines Vortrags spannt der Historiker einen Bogen von einer mesopotamischen Tontafelkarte über die Mercatorkarten bis zu den Satellitenbildern der Gegenwart.
]]>Iceland is rich in spectacular rainbows and waterfalls, which are often and willingly used to underscore the island’s “mythic” character. But it’s precisely this image that Icelandic artist Rúrí strives to relativize in “Archive – Endangered Waters,” a series of works she began in 2000. With it, she seeks to call to the international public’s attention the destruction of these very waterfalls by massive hydroelectric projects. “Archive” consists of multimedia installations that display acoustic and visual portraits of Iceland’s endangered waterfalls. These threatened waters are also the subject of “Vocal-VI,” a video performance created especially for Deep Space. In her inimitable style, the artist juxtaposes the water’s violent force to a formal fragility in order to bring out the vulnerability of the environment’s hydrologic balance.