David Friedman – TOTAL RECALL – The Evolution of Memory https://ars.electronica.art/totalrecall/en 05.09 - 09.09.2013 Fri, 28 Oct 2022 10:00:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.6 Big Concert Night https://ars.electronica.art/totalrecall/en/2013/08/08/grose-konzertnacht/ Thu, 08 Aug 2013 05:48:11 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/totalrecall/?p=328 Continue reading ]]>

Orchestral music and digital sounds, on one hand; live electronics and visualizations on the other—since 2002, these have limned the program of the Ars Electronica Festival’s Big Concert Night produced jointly with the Brucknerhaus and the Bruckner Orchester.
The overture is Acoustic Time Travel by Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN prizewinner Bill Fontana (US), followed by Radiologic by the duo of Carl Stone (US) and Gil Kuno (JP).
Next up is a short film, Welcome Transients by Ernie Kovacs (US). Then, the Bruckner Orchester Linz conducted by Dennis Russell Davies (US/AT) will perform the 10th Symphony by Philip Glass (US). The program continues with Requies by Luciano Berio (IT) and a performance by vibraphone soloist David Friedman (US) of By the Reflecting Pool by Leah Muir (US).

Intermezzo in the Exhibition

The TOTAL RECALL exhibition will then be the setting of performances by Yuri Suzuki (JP), Keith Lam (HK) and Michelle Ngai (TW). They will personally present their works on display there and musically accompany the installations The Sound of the Earth and Device Playing: Cassette Recorder (II).
A special part features the work of Roberto Paci Dalo (IT): the Austria premiere of his audiovisual production Ye Shanghai about the Jewish ghetto in Shanghai during and after World War II.
The electronic finale stars re-lay (Tobias Ehrhardt, AT) & 19 hertz (Emanuel Jauk, AT) with cut.repeat as well as Daito Manabe and Satoru Higa (JP).
The accompanying visualizations are by Arístides García (ES) and Andreas Koller (AT/UK).
Music performed during the breaks between acts is by MFRedman Collective.

Lentos, Freiraum

19:00 Bill Fontana (US) – Acoustic Time Travel
Created under the auspices of the Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN Artist in Residence Program

Lentos, Auditorium

19:30 Carl Stone & Gil KunoRadiologic

Brucknerhaus, Großer Saal

20:00 Ernie Kovacs: Welcome Transients (Film)
20:10 Bruckner Orchester Linz (AT), Dennis Russell Davies (Dirigent US/AT): Philip Glass: 10. Sinfonie
20:50 Roberto Paci Dalo (IT): Ye Shanghai

Brucknerhaus, Foyer
21:20 TOTAL RECALL: Performance Intermezzo

Yuri Suzuki (JP): The Sound of the Earth

Keith Lam (HK) & Michelle Ngai (TW): Device Playing: Cassette Recorder (II)

Brucknerhaus, Großer Saal
22:00 Bruckner Orchester Linz (AT), Dennis Russell Davies (Dirigent US/AT): Luciano Berio: Requies
22:30 Bruckner Orchester Linz (AT), Dennis Russell Davies (Dirigent US/AT), David Friedman (US) (am Vibraphon): Leah Muir: By the Reflecting Pool
23:10 re-lay (Tobias Ehrhardt) & 19 hertz (Emanuel Jauk) (AT) mit cut.repeat
23:30 Daito Manabe (JP) & Satoru Higa (JP)

The visualizations of the orchestral pieces are by:
Berlin – Arístides García (ES) and Alexander Koller (AT/UK)

Music animations during transitional phases by:
MFRedman Collective

Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Freiraum, Auditorium
Brucknerhaus, Großer Saal, Foyer
