wrap up – C… what it takes to change https://ars.electronica.art/c/en Ars Electronica 2014 Fri, 26 Aug 2022 05:23:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.6 Innovators Wrap Up https://ars.electronica.art/c/en/innovators-wrapup/ Sat, 30 Aug 2014 09:48:43 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/c/?p=3740 Continue reading ]]> Future Innovators Summit
All groups
SUN September 7, 2014, 6 PM-7 PM
Central Linz, Landstr. 36, 4020 Linz

C .. what it takes to change: The Future Innovators Summit closes on Sunday evening at Central Linz with a final discussion of all participants from the groups A to F. What ideas have arisen in the context of this international and multidisciplinary meeting here in Linz? What have we learned? And what’s next?

What is the Future Innovators Summit?
Here you will find general information:

Introduction The Concept Groups and Innovators Mentors Talks, Workshops, Events Future Innovators Exhibition
