cooperative aesthetics – Post City Ars Electronica 2015 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:02:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Deep Space 8K: TIME OUT Fri, 14 Aug 2015 07:42:38 +0000 Time Out is a collection of two works by Gerhard Funk, director of Linz Art University’s Time-based and Interactive Media program, and three of his students. All works are takes on “cooperative aesthetics” in which visitors to Deep Space 8K explore the changes their own movements bring about in the displayed projections and, in some instances, on the acoustic level too. In Color Bars (Sound: Christoph Frey), a color bar is assigned to each visitor, whereupon the entire group is assigned the task of coming up with a shared shade. In Curves the changes of visitors’ positions in the space generate curves that connect up into blood-vessel-like structures.

Film Puzzles, Sine Waves and Geometry

For her Movie Puzzle Katarina Gruber used clips from animated works by Czech filmmaker Jan Švankmajer, portions of which are projected in a random array onto nine identically-sized zones on the floor of Deep Space. Visitors are invited to walk through the projection in such a way that the individual portions are reassembled into a complete video image. Sinus by Simon Krenn is an interactive graphic program to generate meter-long sine waves that can be modified or made to vibrate by installation visitors’ motions. Geometric Soundscape by Clemens Niel invites visitors to track and thereby investigate the interrelationships among sound, visualization, motion and their own position in space.
This project as well was produced jointly with the Ars Electronica Futurelab.
