children – Radical Atoms Ars Electronica Festival 2016 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:26:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Agent Unicorn Sat, 06 Aug 2016 15:21:45 +0000 Anouk Wipprecht
Agent Unicorn is an accessory that logs the wearer’s observations through EEG that can help with understanding ADHS.]]>
Anouk Wipprecht

The first attendee on the lab floor was hi-tech design celebrity Anouk Wipprecht, who achievde fame for her dresses incorporating science and fashion in order to transcend experiences beyond glamorous looks. Her Intel-Edison-based Spider Dress is a prime example of this aesthetic, where sensors and moveable arms on the dress help to create a defined boundary of personal space while employing a fiery style. Anouk Wipprecht researches how we can interface with the world around us in new ways through our wardrobe. So it was only a natural extension of her work when she introduced Agent Unicorn. The unicorn-horn-shaped wearable should help us to understand children with ADHS in a playful way. During her stay at the Futurelab, she teamed up with therapists, neuroscientists and other experts, creating an accessory that logs the wearer’s observations through EEG. Triggered by brain activity, a built-in camera takes short movies when the wearer’s attention is aroused. From this, therapists can draw better conclusions as to what

caused the child’s attention and how it stresses the wearer. Moreover it eases the interaction between therapist and patient, due to its fanciful look and the opportunity to work with the latest technology.

Mini Maker Faire Linz Tue, 02 Aug 2016 15:21:44 +0000

Makers who love experimentation present their do-it-yourself projects on Sunday. But keep in mind that Mini Maker Faire Linz isn’t just a platform for show-and-tell; above all, this is about dialog. Here, people meet & greet, get into conversations, and exchange their knowledge and experiences in speeches and workshops.

As always, the Maker Faire is a hands-on proving ground to take new stuff out for a spin. Creative inventors, inventive creators, lateral thinkers and tech-heads present their DIY projects at lots of interesting settings conducive to visitor involvement. The offerings will be supplemented by speeches and workshops on many interesting topics: 3-D printing, Arduino, crafting, electronics, food, hacking, handicrafts, hardware, the internet of things, music, quadcopters, Raspberry Pi & Co., robots, science & research, steampunk and wearables.

The Mini Maker Faire Linz takes place within the u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD festival, encompassing open labs, events and exhibits and invites lateral thinkers and tinkerers, those thirsty for knowledge and hungry for experience, to take the plunge into an invigorating environment full of alternative models for modern real life. The watchwords are: “open it up, peer inside, take it apart and put it back together again.” That encapsulates the can-do spirit of the Mini Maker Faire Linz, which on one day of the festival, will contribute together with the Make: Magazin yet another facet to this colorful jamboree of lateral thinkers.

Call for Makers!

Apply with your project to the Mini Maker Faire Linz ‘till August 28, 2016!

Apply now!

The Festival for Inspiration, Creativity and Innovation

The Maker Faire® has its origin in the USA. Americans call it “The Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth“ and mean that a Maker Faire on the one hand is a science fair and on the other hand some kind of funfair and at the same time something completely new. It is a family-friendly festival of inspiration, creativity and innovation. Maker* come together to present their projects to a broad public. Moreover, it is a place of social networking and knowledge exchange. For some exhibitors the attendance is also the start of a successful startup.

*Maker can be found in all age groups. They are DIY enthusiasts, eager to try out new things for the fun of it. There are creative minds, innovative mavericks and technophiles.

MAKE: Magazin and Maker Faire

The magazine and the online channel „Make:“ showcase DIY projects from around the world and provide a platform for the growing community, to present their instruction manuals and handicraft projects from old and new hardware, microcontrollers, electric components and many other materials to the readers. The aim of Make is to inspire readers to impart their knowledge to take action themselves, understand the technology and to give free rein to their engineering ideas. More information on

The first Maker Faire was held in 2006 in San Mateo, California and was organised by the editors of the American Make-Magazin. The event in the Bay Area has become a platform for 900 makers and more than 130.000 visitors. Worldwide, there are already more than 150 events. Find all Maker Faires on

Mini Maker Faire Linz is an independently organized event under license by Maker Media, Inc.
