Projects – Radical Atoms Ars Electronica Festival 2016 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:26:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Without Borders Mon, 01 Aug 2016 14:41:40 +0000

During times in which the world’s borders are becoming increasingly hard and  fast, people without borders are gaining importance. Accordingly, there are more and more groups that use “without borders” in their name, associations of people whose professions have become a more broadly conceived calling to work on behalf of the community. Doctors Without Borders, for example, is an international medical aid organization that helps people in need, victims of catastrophes and armed conflicts. Reporters Without Borders, on the other hand, is committed to safeguarding freedom of the press and the right to express divergent opinions. Engineers Without Borders is active worldwide cooperatively carrying out technical development projects.

These organizations have one thing in common—they transcend borders in deploying their knowledge, time and enthusiasm in order to accomplish some purpose. But what motivates them? And is it possible by means of knowledge transfer to contribute to correcting the disequilibrium that characterizes the world order?


Engineers without Borders Austria is a non-profit organization which carries out projects in the field of technical development all over the world. Our solutions give people access to basic infrastructure, in order to improve their quality of life sustainably. The local conditions and the available resources in the project area are always paramount in the entire planning and implementation process. By working closely with the local population both, custom-tailored solutions as well as sustainable added value are ensured.

Credit: Klaus Dieterstorfer


Architecture without Borders Austria (AoGA) is an non-profit organization which supports aid‐organizations or groups of future users of built environment in the process of planning and implementation of construction projects. The aim of AoGA is to improve the living conditions of people in need through architecture in all its varieties. A central aspect in our work is the cooperative development of space with its future inhabitants. Therefore AoGA uses different methods to work together with local communities and organizations to develop new socially sustainable living areas. In this exhibition you will find architectural models, 1:1 installations, films, workshops, games or experiments with local building materials.

RAUMSCHIFF: Interacting Art Mon, 01 Aug 2016 01:35:07 +0000 A play on artworks, works in process and working things out by doing – together.  Through negotiation, juxtaposition, and re-contextualization, various works and non-works will be woven into an interface for the audience, built through interactive, textual and performative processes.

The project is based on a collective process initiated by Sam Bunn and Davide Bevilacqua and hosted by Raumschiff the week before the opening of Ars Electronica.

A working group of “contributors” was formed, each one of whom was asked to make something available to the group that they had produced and abandoned, or that was not yet concluded. The materials were allowed to be physically or conceptually manipulated and twisted, their hidden potential revealed through a collective activity of action-reaction, mediation and re-mediation. During the set-up process the exhibition room becomes a place of encounter and exchange, an interface where conceptual loops, new or old media art projects, interacting sculptures, non- or a-technological projects, finished or unfinished paintings, can be played with.

The collaborative display exhibited turns non-functional works into functional un-works, revealing how art works between artworks.
