soundscape – Radical Atoms Ars Electronica Festival 2016 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:26:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Relative Realities Wed, 14 Sep 2016 15:56:44 +0000 A pendulum swings through a space. A video screen, constituting its pendulum bob, carves its path through the exhibition space. From its ever-changing position it presents a view into a different scene. Although freely swaying through space it collides with objects; invisible, but audible. A computer traces the pendulum’s position and—in a computer model—embeds it into a mathematical world where it collides and interacts with objects. This interaction between the pendulum and its mathematical surroundings provides the source for a three-dimensional soundscape. Something is forced into motion. Slowly it returns to standstill. Next time things will behave rather similarly. Only the world in the computer changes.

Artistic concept, audio and visuals: Volkmar Klien

Sensor and video system, modeling: Thomas Grill

Pendulum Driving device: Bernardo Niederhageböck & Gerald Hanisch

Color grading: Lisa Truttmann

With the support of: Rubblemaster (

Cat-x—technical production: Florian Prix

With the support of: Niederösterreich Kultur, Klangraum Krems, Ministry for Education, Art and Culture, Musik Aktuell

Relative Realities Mon, 01 Aug 2016 07:54:07 +0000 A pendulum swings through a space. A video screen, constituting its pendulum bob, carves its path through the exhibition space. From its ever-changing position it presents a view into a different scene. Although freely swaying through space it collides with objects; invisible, but audible. A computer traces the pendulum’s position and—in a computer model—embeds it into a mathematical world where it collides and interacts with objects. This interaction between the pendulum and its mathematical surroundings provides the source for a three-dimensional soundscape. Something is forced into motion. Slowly it returns to standstill. Next time things will behave rather similarly. Only the world in the computer changes.

Artistic concept, audio and visuals: Volkmar Klien

Sensor and video system, modeling: Thomas Grill

Pendulum Driving device: Bernardo Niederhageböck & Gerald Hanisch

Color grading: Lisa Truttmann

With the support of: Rubblemaster (

Cat-x—technical production: Florian Prix

With the support of: Niederösterreich Kultur, Klangraum Krems, Ministry for Education, Art and Culture, Musik Aktuell
