bitcoin – Artificial Intelligence Ars Electronica Festival 2017 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:43:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Research Institute for Arts and Technology Tue, 15 Aug 2017 14:40:15 +0000

Research Institute for Arts and Technology (AT)

Production in the 21st century works with distributed authorship and identities-artists present their processes “coded” in the fragmentations of global networks. Contemporary artistic output is developed out of collective inquiries, research processes are results of distributed agency between humans, machines, and programs. There is nothing more than to leave ‘traces’, not to produce “final” products but “process artefacts”. RIAT – The Research Institute for Arts and Technology – welcomes and embraces the ephemeral nature of meatspace, as it only consists of collectively held and performed visions of desirable futures.

The blockchain (through Bitcoin) is unarguably the key invention of the 21st century. The accelerating forces of decentralization do not only change how we think about electronic cash, but also changed our perception of organizations, trust and non-human agency through the introduction of immutable and unstoppable code on the blockchain. RIAT examines the global crypto-economic condition and its effects on culture and society.

RIAT is an independent research cluster based in Vienna, Austria. RIAT investigates how technology and art relate and inform each other-the key fields being blockchain technologies, open (source) hardware, experimental publishing, and epistemic cultures. RIAT explores and actively stress-tests the role of art in the age of the network society through formats such as the Coded Cultures festival for fringe research and experimental arts, and Making Artistic Technology-a conceptual framework extending creative technology.

About the artists

RIAT – Research Institute for Arts and Technology (AT) emerged in 2015, collecting clans of experimental artists and researchers who were working critically with technology, especially those immersed in the blockchain and/or open hardware. The institute was formed from the crypto-art collective Artistic Bokeh, the artist group and the experimental Artistic Technology Lab that was previously situated at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.


THU 7. 9.

6 – 7 PM              Crypto-Economics and Artistic Technology: An Introduction to RIAT

FRI 8. 9.

10 AM – 1 PM    Crypto Cafe

2 -3 PM               RIAT Academy: Blockchain 101

4-5 PM                RIAT Academy: Blockchain 101

6-7 PM                RIAT Academy: Blockchain 101

SAT 9. 9.

10 AM – 1 PM   Crypto Cafe

2 – 3 PM            RIAT Academy: Blockchain 101

4-7 PM               Clash of Coins

SUN 10. 9.

10 AM – 1 PM    Crypto Cafe

2 – 3 PM            RIAT Academy: Blockchain 101

4 – 5 PM            Terra0 – Presentation by Max Hampshire

5-6 PM               Data Loam – Presentation by Martin Reinhart and Matthias Tarasiewicz

MON 12. 9.

10 AM- 1 PM     Crypto Cafe

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This project is presented in the framework of the STARTS Prize 2017. STARTS Prize received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732019.


chains Tue, 08 Aug 2017 13:49:23 +0000

Daito Manabe (JP), Yusuke Tomoto (JP), 2bit Ishii (JP)

Chains is an interactive installation dealing with the bitcoin cryptocurrency. Based on experiments with automatic trading systems, the artists developed a system to visualize and thereby study the principle of block chains.

The participants can experience fluctuations in bitcoin values via sound and images in real time and interact with an automated transaction algorithm enabling them to manage bets and receive virtual payments according to their bet. In doing so the installation also raises critical questions about contemporary finance and trading systems.


Chains was developed at ZKM of Karlsruhe, Germany and was exhibited at GLOBALE: New Sensorium. It is an evolved version of the 2013 traders installation that was developed as a follow-up project and visualized Tokyo’s stock market live.
