humans – Artificial Intelligence Ars Electronica Festival 2017 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:43:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Eremocene (Age of Loneliness) Fri, 18 Aug 2017 11:50:14 +0000

Keith Armstrong (AU/UK), mit Matthew Davis (AU) & Luke Lickfold (AU)

A mysterious, internally glowing creature, witnessed from several vantage points moves uncannily in a fluid motion within dense blackness. In a life-like, bio-morphic form, continually fading in and out of perception, enveloping sound, vision and movement are as one.

The idea of the “extinction of human experience” expresses our projected fear of everything that will be rendered senseless when ancient, intelligent, biodiverse worlds have descended into permanent darkness. But as one series of conceptions slip into extinction, so others flow on in. Eremocene suggests that we might instead embrace artificially intelligent “things” with little need for dated legacies such as excess light or the long-extinguished sounds of biological life. The philosopher and biologist E. O. Wilson calls such possible futures the “Eremocene—our Age of Loneliness.”

Eremocene builds on a ten-year sci-art process around ecological vulnerability and resilience in relation to overheated, increasingly artificially intelligent worlds.


Artistic director: Keith Armstrong
Sound and system designer: Luke Lickfold
Interactive vision designer: Matthew Davis

Supported by The Creative Lab, QUT Creative Industries and Embodied Media

This project has been assisted by the Australian government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body. Thanks to Living Data (Lisa Roberts), UTS Life Sciences (Prof. William Gladstone), UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures (Dr. Tania Leimbach), Prof Greg Hearn, Dr. Peggy Eby, Lawrence English, QUT Tech Services

Machine Dream Tue, 08 Aug 2017 19:14:05 +0000

Joseph Herscher (NZ)

Machines are usually designed to achieve a task as efficiently as possible. One of the things that separates humans from machines is our ability to play. If life becomes all about efficiently achieving goals then it can become meaningless. Humans need to play! So what happens when there is true artificial intelligence? Will machines play too?

The Spiral Falls sorting machine will take on a new role in this year: Joseph Herscher, the artist and Youtube personality from New York, will persuade the former package-slide machine to do a very human task: Since it is not being used for a huge logistic system anymore, and has been left all by itself, this big machine somehow got bored. So the spiral falls starts to play, only using objects that it “knows” from its past. Boxes, envelopes, poster tubes, gifts, toys, dolls or anything else that might once have been sent through it in a package. The actions it undertakes seem very curious—although they run to a fixed schedule and have defined roles in the whole playing system. This might leave visitors asking: where is the neuronal control for that? Is the machine playing by itself? Maybe the spiral falls just represent something that is not visible at all: the formation of creativity and complex ideas that might consist of inspiration we get from different influences—also from machines that seem to do only what we tell them to.

Credit: Martin Hieslmair

Commissioned by Ars Electronica

Experts Tour: Expanded Body Wed, 02 Aug 2017 06:13:34 +0000

The Expanded Body Expert Tour highlights works that are dealing with the topic of transformation of the human body. We will have a closer look at art works dealing with artificial extensions, simulations and mutation processes as well as enhancements of the human body that will challenge “The Other I”.

Manuela Naveau (AT), Christl Baur (DE)

SUN Sept. 10, 2017

SUN Sept. 10, 2017, 3:00 PM-4:30 PM


Meeting Point: POSTCITY WE GUIDE YOU Meeting Point
Duration: 90 Minutes
Language: German / English
Price: € 16 / € 12 reduced

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