indigenous – Artificial Intelligence Ars Electronica Festival 2017 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:43:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dronescape Tue, 08 Aug 2017 06:44:27 +0000

Trevor Brown (AU)

A microtonal durational live drone performance
baritone, alto, soprano bass saxes, treble clarinets 
alto, treble flutes, laptop

The performance has been inspired by work in Indigenous communities over 
the last 25 years and also, over the last four years, by work in Istria, a tiny region in west Croatia, whose 
microtonal scale has been listed in the UNESCO 
Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Further influences also include explorations 
in Pythagorian Harmonics and just Intonation. The 
slowly evolving work builds on natural harmonies and
 subtracted or interpolated fundamentals. It flows between
 sublime and challenging sonorities at an almost
 imperceptible rate.

The event is part of the Big Concert Night at POSTCITY on SUN 10. 9. at 8 PM. Read more on
