installations – Artificial Intelligence Ars Electronica Festival 2017 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:43:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Entropy Tue, 08 Aug 2017 17:38:41 +0000


Thomas J. Jelinek (SE/AT), Jorge Sánchez-Chiong (VE/AT)

Entropy is an international, transdisciplinary research project on entropic processes. In the course of a two-year discourse process, artists and scientists have followed the traces of the famous “H-Theorem” of thermodynamic theory in collaborative settings.

The process has materialized in various installations and performances and has been condensed into artistic-scientific labs and a contemporary opera.

In the ROADSIDE PICKNICK AREA, it is spread out as a walkable media landscape of current entropic discourses. The empty surface is structured by the fragments, artefacts, apparatuses, objects and material memorial traces that have arisen in the course of the research, thus setting an artificial mind-map. Within this automated theater, passers-by have the possibility to interact with objects in performative situations, and to meet experts in order to design a common cognitive reality.

You only see, what you know.


Artistic concept: Thomas J. Jelinek
Soundscape: Jorge Sánchez-Ciong, in present cooperation with: Stefan Glasauer (DE), Max Hoffmann (US/DE), Margarete Jahrmann (AT), Marian Kaiser (DE), Peter Koger (AT), Lousie Linsenbolz (AT), Gerald Nestler (AT), Lucie Strecker (DE), Thomas Wagensommerer (AT)

Production:, ROCONCEPT

Further participants in the ENTROPY LAB-process: Florian Bogner (AT), Georg Eisnecker (AT), Christian Faubel (DE), Friedrich Hausen (DE), Florian Kmet (AT), Käthe Kruse (DE), Ulli Kühn (AT), Barbara Lubich (DE), Armin Medosch (AT), Pit Noack (DE), Tobias Nöbauer (AT/US), Hanada Al Refai (SY), Mela Marie Spaemann (AT), Roman Harrer (AT), Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki (JP/AT), Michael Loizenbauer (AT), Christina Hartl-Prager (AT), a.o.

Co-production partners: ZENTRALE / Dresden, TQW – Tanzquartier Vienna, MTTW / Vienna, MediaOpera, Werk-X, brut / Vienna, Neurologie-Institut der Ludwig-Maximilian Universität München, IFK, TU-Wien, ZhdK Zürich, a.o.

Supported by: bka Austria, Stadt Wien Kultur, SKE
