media – Artificial Intelligence Ars Electronica Festival 2017 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:43:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Theater and Digital Media – A Platform Event Thu, 17 Aug 2017 12:47:35 +0000

Theater, for many an epitome of analog, strictly human-based art, has always been a forerunner in the exploration of technologies for new forms of storytelling and stage performance.

The latest hype of virtual and augmented reality has caught the attention of people from the theater, and new artistic forms are being developed focusing on the narrative and performative potential of this medium. This interest is reciprocal, because the technical-design challenges that come with the increasing social dimension of new technologies could also benefit a great deal from the expertise of theater.

In collaboration with the European Theatre Convention, Ars Electronica is hosting a special program to deepen the reciprocal exchange of practical experience about the work on the intersection of digital media and theater.

Digital Theater Network Meeting

SUN Sept. 10, 2017, 1 PM–3:30 PM
Ars Electronica Center, Sky Loft

Welcome: Maren Dey (DE), Gerfried Stocker (AT)
Speaker: Kay Voges (DE), Thomas Jelinek (AT), Kunito Komori (JP), BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc., Uwe Rieger (DE), Carol Brown (NZ)

expACT Mon, 14 Aug 2017 13:32:02 +0000

Chiara Ullstein (DE)

expACT is an interactive experimental project with a focus on media pedagogics. Through cooperation it facilitates a new way of learning programming interactively. The program cannot be executed without a partner, but nevertheless the cooperation that takes place in the physical room is shown in the virtual space.

Ö1 Radiokunst—Kunstradio Tue, 08 Aug 2017 13:00:04 +0000

Celebrating 30 years of radio art!

In the course of Ars Electronica’s Big Concert Night at POSTCITY, Ö1 Radiokunst—Kunstradio will celebrate its 30th anniversary with a two-hour live broadcast from 10.05 pm to 12 am on September 10 as part of the Ö1 Kunstsonntag on Österreich 1, the cultural radio channel of the Austrian state broadcaster (ORF).

Ö1 Kunstradio was founded in 1987 by Heidi Grundmann as a weekly space for radio art, and in 1995 Kunstradio Online— was founded by a group of artists.

Ö1 Kunstradio and the Ars Electronica festival can look back on a long history of conceiving and realizing innovative networked radio art projects such as Horizontal Radio in 1995, Rivers&Bridges in 1996, Sound Drifting in 1999 or Radiotopia in 2002. And already in 1989 the first Long Night of Radio Art took place as part of the Ars Electronica festival, which many others have followed over recent decades.

This year Ö1 Kunstradio together with the Anton Bruckner Private University and the Ars Electronica festival is organizing the Sonic Saturday symposium “Different Places” on September 9, 2017. Some of the participants such as Andres Bosshard and Anna Friz will perform on site and on air, while Kristen Roos joins in for the Ars Electronica’s big concert night on September 10, celebrating 30 years of radio art on Ö1 Kunstradio together with other artists and theorists.

More information can be found online at and

Text: Elisabeth Zimmermann

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Kristen Roos (CA)

Anti-Wave examines the silent electromagnetic transmissions that are ubiquitous today. Roos receives these inaudible frequencies with devices that recognize them not as information but as something similar to the unwanted sounds that were heard in early radio reception. In receiving and translating these frequencies into audible sounds, Kristen Roos is interested in the process of dissecting the wireless devices that embody our lives, and exposing the relationships between people and the objects that inhabit their daily rituals.

Radiation Day

Anna Friz (CA)

This is the metamorphosis of Earth being: in the desert, around open-cast mines loom massively heaped and compacted slagheaps; evaporation ponds spread across the salt flats, and pipelines and power lines run alongside roads punctuated by truck transports and blowing dust. Copper, lithium, rare earths; mining the ingredients for wireless communication devices. Ancient geoglyphic inscriptions on the desert are dwarfed by deep industrial scars visible from satellites. But environments are also media, and bodies are recording devices. For days under the sun at high altitudes in northern Chile, we sought elemental media amidst the industrial continuum. A performance devised of infrastructural sounds, atmospheric signals and live electronics.

Video by Rodrigo Ríos Zunino

Supported by Canada Council for the Arts and the Arts Research Institute of the University of California Santa Cruz

Ho, Hei, Oho (a factory of memory)

Andres Bosshard (CH)

I will start my performance with the gentle rain of a thunderstorm, which has been recorded during the setup of Bill Fonatana’s piece simultaneous resonances for zeitgleich, Im Grunde lächelt der Himmel in Hall im Tirol 1995; I will perform a thunderstorm that was recorded during real time in Linz 1994, where Gerfried Stocker was playing Mia Zabelka’s robot in Graz together with Waldemar Rogojsza, who died in 2009; I will play a thunderstorm that was recorded on the rooftop of Radarama in Vrindaban 1997 together with Sam Auinger for the Echo of the Moon in Salzburg 1999 with Pauline Oliveros, who died in 2016; I will perform a thunderstorm recorded in Civitella d’Agliano 1994 together with Christof Carnelli, who died in 2013; I will play a 21-minute thunderstorm that will end with a trumpet signal of the sound pillars recorded in front of the Europahuset at Åboulevarden 3, in Aarhus in 2017.

Wachstropf Tue, 08 Aug 2017 11:43:14 +0000

Domas Schwarz (AT)

Icicles symbolize aesthetically pleasing but fragile objects whose long and elaborate process of formation can be negated in seconds by an unforeseen event. Domas Schwarz’s installation Wachstropf showcases the beauty of natural processes and the transience of the environmental states that we have naturally grown accustomed to, and constitutes a metaphor for the works created in this world by nature and humankind.

Digital media and technologies facilitate the development of seemingly natural structures that can be artificially reproduced over and over again. Wax icicles form around a light bulb, melt due to the heat released when the bulb is switched on, and form again after the bulb is turned off and cools down. This destruction, change of condition or transformation into a previous state or a new one gives rise to new processing possibilities and, in the sense of a lifecycle, creates an object that is constantly re-growing.


Symposiumsreihe Perspektiven Politischer Bildung Tue, 08 Aug 2017 10:58:39 +0000

„Die Welt ist meine Welt“ – wie viel Globalisierung verträgt der Mensch?

Ich mach’ mir die Welt, widiwidiwie sie mir gefällt …“ sang Pippi Langstrumpf in der legendären TV-Kinderserie der 60er- und 70er-Jahre des vorigen Jahrhunderts. Wie geht es Kindern, Jugendlichen, aber auch Erwachsenen heute, die in einer globalisierten und digitalisierten Welt aufwach(s)en? Haben sie das Recht, sich die Welt nach konsum-egoistischen Vorstellungen zu formen, oder nicht zumindest auch die Pflicht, mit „ihrer Welt“ – dem gemeinsamen „Raumschiff Erde“- verantwortungsvoll umzugehen?

Im Zeitalter „alternativer Fakten“ wird die Medienmündigkeit des Individuums und der Gesellschaft zur politischen Kulturtechnik, um Globalisierung human und nachhaltig gestalten zu können. Den damit verbundenen komplexen Fragestellungen und Herausforderungen an die politische Bildung wird im zweitägigen Symposium der PH OÖ (PH-Konferenz) in Kooperation mit Ars Electronica Linz und der Arbeiterkammer OÖ im Rahmen des Ars Electronica Festivals nachgegangen.

Symposium Perspektiven Politischer Bildung

07.09. – 08.09.2017, POST CITY Linz
(im Rahmen des Ars Electronica Festivals) Moderation: Anita Reinbacher

Donnerstag, 7. September 2017 @ Conference Stage

13:00 – 13:20 Eröffnung des Symposiums (Manfred Fadl – AK OÖ, Katharina Soukup-Altrichter – PH OÖ, Gerfried Stocker – AEC)
13:20 – 13:30 Ablauf
13:30 – 14:15 Vortrag und Diskussion: Ist ‚die‘ Globalisierung gestaltbar? Zur Geschichte und Aktualität eines umstrittenen Begriffs (Walter Ötsch)
14:15 – 14:30 Ankündigung der Workshops
14:45 – 16:15 Workshops:

  • Fake oder Fakt? Die Wahrheit PI mal Daumen (Nicole Grüneis, Martina Mara)
  • Grenzenlose Information: Fluch oder Segen der Globalisierung? (Thomas Spielbüchler)
  • Wie kritische Medienkompetenz im Zeitalter globaler Desinformation vermitteln? (Erwin Feierl-Giedenbacher, Hans-Christian Gruber)
  • NERVE – eine innovative Webplattform für den Unterricht (Clemens Großberger, Thomas Übellacker)
  • Pizza Globale’ – Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung konkret (Thomas Mohrs)
16:15 – 16:45 Kaffeepause
16:45 – 17:30 Vortrag und Diskussion: Von Robo-Nannys und androiden Doppelgängern: Wie nahe dürfen uns Maschinen kommen? (Martina Mara)
17:35 – 18:35 Podiumsdiskussion: Die Welt ist meine Welt. Wie viel Globalisierung verträgt der Mensch? (Nicole Grüneis, Thomas Spielbüchler, Walter Ötsch; Moderation: Markus Staudinger – OÖN)

Freitag, 8. September 2017 @ Lecture Stage

9:00 -10:00 Morgenbrunch: Austauschmöglichkeit zwischen Symposiumsgästen und Künstler/innen der Ars Electronica bei internationalen Köstlichkeiten
10:00 – 10:45 Vortrag und Diskussion: Wie jung oder alt ist die Globalisierung? (Ernst Langthaler)
11:00 – 12:30 Workshops:

  • Politische Bildung 2.0 (Jakob Feyerer)
  • Guerilla Unit Knowledge: The Ethics of Access, the Ethics of AI (Jacina Leong, Linda Knight, Jess Martin)
  • Meine Welt – globales Dorf (Heidi Grobbauer)
  • netidee – education (Ernst Langmantel)
12:30 – 13:00 Kaffeepause
13:00 – 13:45 Vortrag und Diskussion: Comedy, Science and Playful Machines (Joseph Herscher)
13:45 – 14:15 Resümee und Abschluss des Symposiums
ca. 14:15 WE GUIDE YOU – Exklusivführung Ars Electronica Festival 2017


An event produced jointly by the Upper Austria Teacher-Training College, Upper Austria Chamber of Labor and Ars Electronica
