The MATRIX is:
a collection of software tools, which allow the user to create an interactive installation controller. All hardware the MATRIX needs is a Linux-box plus the installation specific hardware cards (i.e. Midi, DMX, AD-DA-Converters…) and it's drivers.

The whole system is running in a very LOW-COST environment, compared to similar commercial equipment. Plus the user is capable of creating his/her own system extension, if additional Hardware needs to be connected to the system. All needed SOURCE-CODE is included!!!


The user-application logics are specified by a simple but powerful SCRIPT, where all the behavior of the system is defined. The user does not need to care about the hardware layers themselves. The SCRIPT allows to see the installation as functional blocks (i.e. INPUT Triggers and OUTPUT devices).

The MATRIX is capable of running on distributed, networked systems. In practical terms, this means, that the user is capable of setting up a system in location A and B, connects both via the Internet (TCP/IP) and handle the 2 MATRIX-systems as one - just by specifying the hostname of the other machine in the SCRIPT.

What do you want to connect today? ;-)