The idea of developing a "data cross track" is based on a development from the year '91: RCPU (remote control and process unit) by Horst Hörtner.
RCPU was utilized those times as a data procuring tool and "Dataflow Engine" in the distributed use for the management of midi dataflow performing control of robots, switches and any type of midi equipment via phone wire.
Years passed by, till 1998 Volker Christian (at that time still an "extern worker") started a rarely generating discussion on controlling a real-time video installation at the Vienna Funkhaus "Klangtheater"
Later, the software by Volker Christian has been, slightly modified, utilized for an AEC-Project (the elevator animation in the Museum of the Future), Volker Christian
(controlling software) and Horst Hörtner (sound scripts) worked on together. The requirements of the project, the for both, Hörtner and Christian, unimpressive solutions and future projects to be realized, raised the idea of a more abstractive way in handling requirements and a complete redesign of the former developed packages.

After compilation of the essential requirements the emerging of MATRIX is Volker Christians tribute who initialized together with Robert Abt the development of the software.