Zeit Mythos, Phantom, Realität Landesausstellung Wels, 2000

From morning startup, the interactive show itself to the evening shut down: MATRIX is running the show. Starting at a "hand scanner", over interactive tables, including door open and door close mechanisms to the video streams and projectors as well as the slide projectors and 3 independently running sound environments….

Controlled Hardware:
1 hand scanner
3 interactive Tables (10 users each)
7 frame-synch video players (pc-based)
11 video projectors
16 slide projectors
4 digital slide devices
16 midi channels
1 AKAI Sampler
2 midi mixer consoles (switch blades)
7 dmx channels (two independent dmx-cards)
2 headsets 3 cybernauts (wearable computers)
3 doors open/close (digital IO cards)



This project is a multimedia interactive art installation takeing information from the main-control center of the building, from cameras (picture recognition), microphones (spectral analyses and speech recognition), from door sensors and from web-terminals (applets). This information is rated and analyzed and than controls various output devices. All devices are controlled by the matrix.

Controlled Hardware:
4 cameras
6 applets
1 kramer video matrix (rs-232)
42 LED-displays for running text (rs-232)
21 "7-segment displays" (digital output card)
5 door sensors (digital input card)
5 eleven meters height RGB light sticks each with
10 segments and red, green and blue lights - every light can be controlled independently
4 microphones (three with spectral analyses and one as speech recognition system) 1 Main-building control system (rs-232) 1 Frame-grab server



Wien The klangtheater at the ORF in Vienna is a multimedia theater. Visitors can experience a multimedia sound and video show. Elevators, doors, carriages, lights, sound and video projectors are controlled simultaneously by the matrix. Controlled

Controlled Hardware:
3 doors
1 elevator (capacity: 20 persons)
1 carriage (capacity: 20 persons, accuracy < 0.5cm)
4 video projectors (two form a passive stereo configuration)
3 video players (perception)
1 flap able canvas
6 dmx channels


Elevator at the Ars Electronica Center Linz

The Elevator cabin has a video projection system, projecting videos on the floor of the cabin. (Apollo 11 (Link), Human Project (link)). A touch screen device in the cabin allows the visitor to switch between the different applications. The video is synchronized to the movement of the cabin. Even if the speed of the cabin is reduced (by many visitors in the cabin) or speeded up (by only one visitor) the synchronization is constant. The video stream is controlled by the MATRIX which synchs each frame to the speed of the cabin. The Sound is triggered depending on which frame is shown. This is even more than real time: 100 Frames per second allow to really slow down with the movement of the cabin!

Controlled Hardware:
1 frame-synch video players (pc-based)
1 wav player
16 midi channels
1 touch screen
1 optical sensor card (synchronization to the cabin movement)