Luc Courchesne
Born in 1952 (Québec), Courchesne studied at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax (Bachelor of Design in Communication, 1974), and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (Master of Science in Visual Studies, 1984). He began his explorations in interactive video in 1984 when he co-authored Elastic Movies, one of the earliest experiement in the field with Ellen Sebring, Benjamin Bergery, Glorianna Davenport, Bill Seaman and others. He has since produced several installations including Encyclopedia Chiaroscuro (1987), Portrait One (1990), Family Portrait (1993), Hall of Shadows (1996), Landscape One (1997), Passages (1998), Rendez-vous (1999), The Visitor: Living by Numbers (2001) and Untitled (2002) His work has been shown extensively in galleries and museums worldwide: Sydney's Art Gallery of New South Wales, New York's Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo's InterCommunication Center (ICC), Paris' La Villette, Karlsruhe's ZKM/Medienmuseum, Montréal's Musée d'art contemporain... His instalaltions are part of the collections of the National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa), the ZKM/Medienmuseum (Karlsruhe), the NTT Intercommuncation Center (Tokyo) and of the Museum of Communication (Bern). Luc Courchesne was awarded the Grand Prix of the ICC Biennale '97 in Tokyo and an Award of Distinction at Pris Ars Electronica 1999 in Linz, Austria. Based in Montreal, Luc Courchesne is professor of design at Université de Montréal and president of the Society for Art and Technology.


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