Prix Selection at Eyebeam
540 W., 21st Street, NYC, NY 10011
Tue – Sat 12 – 6 P.M.
Fri, May 21, 2004, 7 - 10 P.M. Opening Reception at Eyebeam with Live Performance by Rupert Huber (A) and Justin Manor (USA) more, Photo Gallery

This exhibition will focus on a selection of award-winning works from the Prix Ars Electronica Interactive Art category. These varied projects offer unprecedented insight into the development of interactive art as one of contemporary culture’s central new forms.
In addition, a comprehensive collection of archival material (videos, catalogs, cd-roms, etc.) will be put on display, thus featuring milestones and masterpieces of digital art throughout the last 25 years. more, Photo Gallery

Jeffrey Shaw: The Legible City
Lynn Hershman: America’s Finest
Paul Sermon: Think about the people now
Luc Courchesne: Landscape One
Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau: Interactive Plant Growing
David Rokeby: n-cha(n)t
Myron W. Krueger: Videoplace
Hachiya Kazuhiko: Inter Dis-Communication Machine

Interactions/Art and Technology at American Museum of the Moving Image
35 Avenue at 36 Street, Astoria, NY 11106
Wed / Thu 12 – 5 P.M., Fri 12 – 8 P.M., Sat / Sun 11 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.
Thu, May 20, 2004 6 - 8 P.M. Opening Reception at Moving Image

An exhibition of interactive digital media installations drawn from artist residencies and research projects at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Featured will be virtual reality environments, unique approaches to human- interaction, and new artistic tools. The collaborative artistic and technical process by which the Futurelab operates will also be shown. more , Photo Gallery

John Gerrard: Networked Portrait
Golan Levin, Zachary Lieberman, Christopher Lindinger: RE:MARK
VRizer: Game Engines on the ARSBOX
Maurice Benayoun, Jean-Baptiste Barrière: World Skin
Peter Kogler, Franz Pomassl: CAVE
Tom White, David Small: An Interactive Poetic Garden
Justin Manor: Key Grip
Michael Naimark: See Banff!
Interactive Bars

Animation Theater Screenings at American Museum of the Moving Image and Eyebeam
One of the main categories of the Prix Ars Electronica is Computer Animation. These screenings of prize-winning animations since 1987 will show the evolution of the medium from its early experimental stages to its current position as a ubiquitous creative form. Screenings Eyebeam, Screenings Moving Image

Positions and Perspectives symposium at the Austrian Cultural Forum
11 East 52nd Street, NYC, NY 10022

Having developed out of a small and often marginalized segment of contemporary art into a wide-ranging category of its own, digital art plays an important role in major museums and cultural events around the world. In this symposium, artists, curators, and media theorists will reflect on the development of the digital media arts and what the future may hold for this pioneering field. more , Photo Gallery

Opening Weekend
Thu, May 20, 2004
6 - 8 P.M. Opening Reception at Moving Image
Fri, May 21, 2004
1 - 5:30 P.M. Lectures & Discussions at Austrian Cultural Forum
7 - 10 P.M. Opening Reception at Eyebeam
Sat, May 22, 2004
1 - 5:30 P.M. Lectures & Discussions at Austrian Cultural Forum
1 P.M. and 4 P.M. Animation Screenings at Moving Image
Sun, May 23, 2004
1 P.M. and 4 P.M. Animation Screenings at Moving Image


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