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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Klangkapsel / Sound Capsule
Satoshi Morita

Klangkapsel / Sound Capsule deals with the issue of how the auditory perception could be integrated with other perceptions, such as visual and tactile perception. In order to create a platform for a multisensory listening condition, I developed a "sound capsule" with integrated loudspeaker and transducers. In listening to a sound collage, which is based on a physicalaction-related eight-channel field recording, the recipient experiences a very intimate soundscapein the capsule. When you lie down in the capsule, you are physically covered and in a relaxed position. Because of the sound material and the total setting of the experience in the capsule, you might also feel as if your body were "inside" of someone else's.

Supported by: Acouve Laboratory Inc. www.acouve.co.jp; Extremetextil www.extremtextil.de; Musikhaus Thomann www.thomann.de; Soundman www.soundman.de; 3-X Berlin Pro Audio www.3-xberlin.de; Weissbach GmbH www.weissbach24.de