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Social Code

Florian Cramer (DE)
Mark Federman (CA)
Leo Findeisen (DE)
Fiona Raby (UK)
Howard Rheingold (US)
Hans Peter Schwarz (DE)

08.09. 10:30
Soziales Handeln ist geprägt durch Codes. Wenn die neuen, für die Verständigung von technischen Interfaces gedachten Codes unser soziales und kollektives Handeln verändern oder sogar zur Entwicklung neuer Arten sozialer Interaktion beitragen, wie verläuft dieser Prozess? Inwiefern spielt in diesem Zusammenhang das Design elektronischer Geräte eine Rolle? Werden Vernetzung und Mobilität kollektives Handeln ermöglichen?

Moderation: Mark Federman

10:30 - 11:00 Howard Rheingold
11:00 - 11:30 Leo Findeisen
11:30 - 12:00 Florian Cramer "CODE
12:00 - 12:15 Discussion
12:15 - 12:25 Break
12:25 - 12:50 Fiona Raby
12:50 - 13:15 Hans Peter Schwarz
13:15 - 13:30 Panel and discussion

Florian Cramer (D), geb. 1969, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin, div. Aufsätze über Literatur, Computer, Freie Software, Codepoesie und Softwarekunst, Administrator (zusammen mit Tilman Baumgärtel) der Mailingliste "rohrpost", Herausgeber (zusammen mit Alan Sondheim) des "unstable digest" auf der Mailingliste "Nettime", Mitglied der transmediale.01 Software-Jury und der Expertengruppe von read_me/runme.org

Mark Federman (CDN). Chief Strategist and head of McLuhan Management Studies at the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, University of Toronto; Principal of Merrill Consulting

Leo Findeisen (A), M.A. Academic Teacher, Writer, Musician, Networker. Studied old languages, composition and philosophy in Germany, Israel and Austria. Has been teaching since 1996 at the Chair for Cultural Philosophy and Media Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Assistent to German philosopher and writer Peter Sloterdijk. Engaged in cross-border networking in the fields of art, architecture, media and science for Western and Eastern Europe.

Fiona Raby (UK) is a senior research fellow and founding member of the Research Studio. She has worked in a cross-disciplinary architectural practice in Tokyo, and has taught in the both the Architecture and Interaction Design departments at the RCA. She headed the FLIRT project at the RCA, and has also collaborated with Anthony Dunne in research into the cultural role of electronic products and systems, resulting in international exhibitions and, most recently, the book Design Noir: The Secret Life of Electronic Objects (August/Birkhäuser, 2001).

Howard Rheingold (USA) is one of the world's foremost authorities on the social implications of technology. Over the past twenty years he has traveled around the world, observing and writing about emerging trends in computing, communications, and culture. One of the creators and former founding executive editor of HotWired, he has served as editor of The Whole Earth Review, editor-in-chief of The Millennium Whole Earth Catalog, and on-line host for The Well. The author of several books, including The Virtual Community, Virtual Reality, and Tools for Thought, he lives in Mill Valley, California.

Hans Peter Schwarz (CH). Principal of the University of Art and Design Zurich


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