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Epigenetic Painting

Roman Verostko (US)

07.09. bis 11.09. ab 10:00 Uhr

Dass Softwarekunst eine Geschichte hat, zeigt Roman Verostko. In den 80er Jahren entwickelte er eine Form der algorithmischen Kunst – die Software Hodos generiert dabei Bilder. In seiner „epigenetischen Kunst“ fungiert die Software als Genotyp, aus dem künstlerische Formen entstehen.

Roman Verostko (USA), artist, historian, and MCAD Professor Emeritus, was born in 1929 in the coal fields of Western Pennsylvania (USA). As a child he made his first paintings using a mail-order paint set. In the early 1980's, following 30 years of painting, he began executing algorithmic drawings with a pen plotter.. Today his studio includes a network of computers coupled to pen plotters driven with his own original software. By 1987 he created the world's first software driven "brushed" paintings with oriental brushes mounted on his pen plotter. His studio integrates coded digital procedure with fine arts traditions.


© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at