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Music Creatures

Marc Downie (US)

Ars Electronica Quarter
06.09. bis 11.09. ab 10:00 Uhr

Artificial-Life-Algorithmen als virtuelle autonome Musik-Kreaturen tauschen untereinander Fragmente aus, die sich durch die Reaktion aufeinander selbst verändern, dekonstruieren und neu zusammensetzen.

Artificial life algorithms as virtual autonomous music-creatures exchange sound fragments with one another. By means of the interaction they modify, deconstruct and recombine themselves.

Marc Downie with the Synthetic Characters Group at the MIT Media Lab

Marc Downie (UK) is an artist and artificial intelligence researcher who lives and works in Massachusetts, USA. Born in Aberdeen, UK and educated at the University of Cambridge, he is currently a doctoral candidate and a member of the Synthetic Characters Group at The Media Lab, MIT. Marc has collaborated with a number of artists and scientists, creating both installations and digital projections with Merce Cunningham, Paul Kaiser and Shelley Eshkar and is currently constructing new works for dance theater with choreographers Bill T. Jones, Trisha Brown and Bebe Miller. His work has been shown internationally at venues including Ars Electronica, SIGGRAPH, ICA London and the Barbican Centre.


© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at