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Trash Mirror

Daniel Rozin (US)

07.09. bis 11.09. ab 10:00 Uhr

500 kleine Müllteile, auf den Straßen New Yorks gesammelt, wurden mit Motoren verbunden und reflektieren computergesteuert den Schatten von Personen. Unterschiedliche Größe, Form und Farbe der Einzelteile lassen die Materie in den Vordergrund treten.

Courtesy of bitforms gallery, New York

Daniel Rozin (USA), born 1961, is an artist, educator and developer, working in the area of interactive digital art. As an interactive artist Rozin creates installations and sculptures that change and respond to the presence and point of view of the viewer. As an educator, Rozin is the Director of Research and Adjunct Professor at Interactive Telecommunications Program, Tisch School Of The Arts, New York University where he teaches such classes as Interaction Design and Expressing with Technology. As developer, Rozin owns Smoothware Design, a software company that creates tools for the interactive art and multimedia authoring community.


© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at