Audiopad James Patten (US) Ben Recht (US) Ars Electronica Quarter 06.09 von 15:30 bis 21:00 07.09 bis 11.09 von 10:00 bis 21:00 |
Software als Instrument. Audiopad verfolgt die Position von Objekten mittels eines Motion-Tracking-Systems und übersetzt deren Bewegung in Steuerbefehle für eine Musiksoftware. Die Oberfläche wird so zu einer taktilen Programmierumgebung, in der Musik in Echtzeit komponiert und aufgeführt werden kann.
Developed at the MIT Media Lab
James Patten (USA) is PhD candidates at the MIT Media Laboratory. He designs new ways for people to interact with computers using physical objects, for tasks such as electronic music and interactive simulations. Together with Ben Recht, he has performed with the *Audiopad* throughout the Boston area, and their installation work has been exhibited at the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona as part of the Sonar Festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art, the NTT InterCommunication Center in Tokyo, Japan, and the Cyberarts Festival in Boston, USA. Ben Recht (USA) is a PhD candidates at the MIT Media Laboratory. He spends his days constructing circuits and deconstructing sounds, and has released recordings on the American imprint Adhesive under the moniker localfields. Together with James Patten, he has performed with the *Audiopad* throughout the Boston area, and their installation work has been exhibited at the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona as part of the Sonar Festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art, the NTT InterCommunication Center in Tokyo, Japan, and the Cyberarts Festival in Boston, USA. |
© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at |