Rupert Laireiter, Brigitte Marschall, Michael Schenk
Morenos early work (for theatre) as a precursor for the graphic representation of relations (in networks). Social structures in networks (especially ego-centered networks). Methods and approaches of network-research in the field of psychology.
Michael Schenk (D), Institute of Social Sciences, University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim
"Netzwerkanalyse sozialer Strukturen"
Brigitte Marschall (A), Institute for theatre, film and media studies at the University of Vienna
"Begegnungen als Leben: Soziotheatrale Aktionsformen im Stegreiftheater von Jakob Levy Moreno"
Rupert Laireiter (A), Institute of Psychology, University of Salzburg
"Psychologische Netzwerkanalyse"
"Language of Networks" is a joint project of FAS.research and Ars Electronica Center.