
Projekte A-Z
Artists & Speakers

Workshop I: Science Communication

Gerhard Funk (AT)
Harald Katzmair (AT)
Joachim Smetschka (AT)
Elke Ziegler (AT)

Ars Electronica Center / SKY Medialoft


Harald Katzmair and Elke Ziegler

Science Communication
Komplexe Zusammenhänge und Wissen anschaulich zu vermitteln, gehört zum „daily business“ nicht nur von JournalistInnen und PR-Fachleuten, sondern auch von DidaktikerInnen und PädagogInnen. Der Workshop „Science Communication“ bietet die Möglichkeit, die Methode der Sozialen Netzwerkanalyse anhand konkreter Beispiele zu erlernen. Die TeilnehmerInnen bekommen ein „Praxispaket“ präsentiert, mit dem sie Analysen und Visualisierungen durchführen können.

Beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl!

Harald Katzmair (A), FAS.research, Vienna
& Elke Ziegler (A), science and technology journalist

followed by the Presentation:

DMA - Digital Media for Artists
The aim of the project is to collect and share the widespread knowledge of many people, especially lecturers ad students, and to develop a web-based system with whose assistance users can pick up in a spatially and temporally flexible and need-oriented way the necessary technical and formative skills within the range of the digital media. The users can become acquainted with the technical and design aspects that are to be considered for a digital media production. The content is structured into modules, which cover theoretical background knowledge, technical-practical guidances, design principles. The network of these independent modules obtain the bases from the ranges 2D-graphics, desktop publishing, digital video and audio, 3D-graphics and animation, multimedia and web design. The crucial point is that every lecturer, student or interested user can produce and upload modules, which are supervised by an editorial board.
The project is initiated and implemented by the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz in cooperation with FH Hagenberg „Engeneering of Computer-based Learning” and is granted by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture. Duration: Oct. 2002 – Oct. 2004.

Gerhard Funk (A), University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz
& Joachim Smetschka (A), Media Artist

"Language of Networks" is a joint project of FAS.research and Ars Electronica Center.



© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at