

Prix Ars Electronica - International Competition for Cyberarts Prix Ars Electronica 1999 Cyberarts
Prix Ars Electronica 1988
Prix Ars Electronica 1989
Prix Ars Electronica 1990
Prix Ars Electronica 1991
Prix Ars Electronica 1992
Prix Ars Electronica 1993
Prix Ars Electronica 1994
Prix Ars Electronica 1995
Prix Ars Electronica 1996
Prix Ars Electronica 1997
Prix Ars Electronica 1998
Prix Ars Electronica 1999
Computeranimation / Visual Effects
Digital Musics
Interactive Art
Prix Ars Electronica 2000
Prix Ars Electronica 2001
Prix Ars Electronica 2002
Prix Ars Electronica 2003
Prix Ars Electronica 2004
Prix Ars Electronica 2005
Prix Ars Electronica 2006
Prix Ars Electronica 2007
Prix Ars Electronica 2008
Prix Ars Electronica 2009
Results sorted by: Year Picture Title Source
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Source: Paul Kaiser / Shelley Eshkar / Bill T. Jones

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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Source: Fumio Matsumoto / Shoei Matsukawa

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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HAMSTER - Symbiotic Exchange of Hoarded Energy

Source: Christoph Ebener / Frank Fietzek / Uli Winters

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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HAMSTER - Symbiotic Exchange of Hoarded Energy

Source: Christoph Ebener / Frank Fietzek / Uli Winters

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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HAMSTER - Symbiotic Exchange of Hoarded Energy

Source: Christoph Ebener / Frank Fietzek / Uli Winters

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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HAZE Express

Source: Christa Sommerer / Laurent Mignonneau

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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HAZE Express

Source: Christa Sommerer / Laurent Mignonneau

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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Jean-Marc Philippe

Source: Jean-Marc Philippe

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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Joachim Blank, Karl Heinz Jeron

Source: Joachim Blank, Karl Heinz Jeron

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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Joanna Berzowska

Source: Joanna Berzowska

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
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