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(conspirat.) Raimund Schumacher & Jürgen Oman (AT) Prix Ars Electronica 1999 Golden Nica in "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Raimund Schumacher & Jürgen Oman (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
AREA 51 - Back to the Surface Markus Strahlhofer (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Markus Strahlhofer (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
Clown Stefanie Mitter (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1998 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Stefanie Mitter (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
Good Morning Alexander Kvasnicka (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Alexander Kvasnicka (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
Matura CD der 8a und c Simon Gaßner (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Simon Gaßner (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
Matura CD der 8a und c Simon Gaßner (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Simon Gassner
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
Projekt Leben Simon Oberhammer (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Simon Oberhammer (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
SAFER REALITY Phil E. Haindl (AT) Prix Ars Electronica 1999 Distinction "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Phil E. Haindl (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
SAFER REALITY Phil E. Haindl (AT) Prix Ars Electronica 1999 Distinction "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Phil E. Haindl (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
SAFER REALITY Phil E. Haindl (AT) Prix Ars Electronica 1999 Distinction "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Phil E. Haindl (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
SAFER REALITY Phil E. Haindl (AT) Prix Ars Electronica 1999 Distinction "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Phil E. Haindl (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
Schweineherde Sebastian Endt (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Sebastian Endt (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
Simple online Security SOS Armin Weihbold (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Armin Weihbold (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
Stefan Trischler
Source: Ars Electronica
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
The Tortoise and the Rabbit Patrick Toifl (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Patrick Toifl (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
The Tortoise and the Rabbit Patrick Toifl (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Patrik Toifl
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
Unser Tag Takuya Nimmerrichter (AT) Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 1999 "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Takuya Nimmerrichter (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
VON IGNORANTEN, BETRIEBSSYSTEMEN UND ATOMRAKETEN Alexander Fischl & Gregor Koschicek (AT) Prix Ars Electronica Distinction "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Alexander Fischl & Gregor Koschicek (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
VON IGNORANTEN, BETRIEBSSYSTEMEN UND ATOMRAKETEN Alexander Fischl & Gregor Koschicek (AT) Prix Ars Electronica Distinction "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Alexander Fischl & Gregor Koschicek (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.
VON IGNORANTEN, BETRIEBSSYSTEMEN UND ATOMRAKETEN Alexander Fischl & Gregor Koschicek (AT) Prix Ars Electronica Distinction "Cybergeneration u19 - freestyle computing"
Source: Alexander Fischl & Gregor Koschicek (AT)
Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.