

Prix Ars Electronica - International Competition for Cyberarts Prix Ars Electronica 2007 Digital Communities
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Prix Ars Electronica 2007
[the next idea]
Computer Animation / Film / VFX
Digital Communities
Digital Musics
Hybrid Art
Interactive Art
Jury 2007
Media.Art.Research Award
u19 - freestyle computing
Prix Ars Electronica 2008
Prix Ars Electronica 2009
Martin Wattenberg & Marek Walczak with Johanna Kindvall, Chuck Crow
Prix Ars Electronica 2007 Honorary Mention “Digital Communities”

Everyone who has lived in an apartment has a story to tell. Gothamberg is a place to read, interact and exchange stories of lives in apartment buildings. Together, these tales of sounds and smells, lobbies and bathrooms, laundry-room gossip and unexpected favors form a single collective building, Gothamberg. Their experiences form the elliptical threads of inhabitation, a mnemonic quality expressing something of the shared nature of dwelling. Apartment buildings are full of complex connections between characters and places. If you type a word in CAPITALS, that word looks for another story to link to. Or, if you wish to connect your story to another, look for words in capitals to link to. For example, if a story uses a name like SMELLYMAN, then write your story with the same name in capitals. The collective memories of the residents of Gothamberg gradually recede into the background, while new memories, stories, come to mind first. If you tell your story then you can come back later to see what new tales have been added to it.
Source: Martin Wattenberg, Marek Walczak, Johanna Kindvall, Chuck Crow

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