Dieter Daniels (DE) Prix Ars Electronica 2008 Jury "MEDIA.ART.RESEARCH AWARD"
Dieter Daniels did numerous publications, multimedia projects and exhibitions in the field of media art. 1984 co-founder of the Videonale Bonn. 1992 to 1994 director of the Video Collection at ZKM Karlsruhe. Curator of several exhibitions ( e.g. 1994 Minima Media, MedienBiennale Leipzig). Since 1993 Professor of Art History and Media Theory at the Leipzig Academy of Visual Art (HGB). Since 2000 Co-Editor of the Online-publication mediaartnet.org. Since 2005 director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Media.Art.Research in Linz
Source: Norbert Artner
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