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City Paradise
Gaelle Denis / Passion Pictures (FR/UK)
Award of Distinction Computeranimation / Visual Effects

London is a really big city, and for new inhabitants who’ve just moved to town, it can sometimes be
a little scary. Accordingly, Gaelle Denis initially draws a gray, desolate picture of the metropolis,
depicting it as an intimidating presence. And so it is with Tomoko, a young Japanese girl who comes
to London to learn English. At first, she doesn’t like it a bit there. She hardly even leaves the house.
But that changes radically when, quite by accident, she discovers a mysterious, secret underground
city below London, a place that’s colorful and friendly. In the wake of this experience, she meets a lot
of new friends, learns English and makes one wonderful discovery after another. Gaelle Denis is 29
years old. She was born in France and moved to London in 2000 to study at the Royal College of Art.

Source: Gaelle Denis / Passion Pictures

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.

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