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Prix Ars Electronica - International Competition for Cyberarts
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Ars Electronica 2005
Hybrid Creatures and Paradox Machines
Theo Jansen (NL)

The seaside dunes of Delft in The Netherlands are populated by fantastic critters, but during this year’s festival, Linz’s Main Square will become the temporary habitat of the “beach beasts” created by Theo Jansen. These behemoths with their countless legs have been conceptualised by computer and constructed out of wood and plastic tubing. However, they’re not controlled electronically and they’re not powered by motors, but rather by wind and air. What’s more, Jansen has developed a method by which compressed air can be stored in portable tanks and then used as fuel.

Collaborators: Loek van der Klis, Sander Hofstee
Supported by Projectbureau Ypenburg, Fonds voor Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst, Amsterdams Fonds voor Beeldende Kunst. Theo Jansen was awarded a Special Prize of the Jury in the Interactive Art category of Prix Ars Electronica 2005.

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.

Source: rubra

Cross-reference: The right to reprint is reserved for the press; no royalties will be due only with proper copyright attribution.

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