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Interact or Die!
Arjen Mulder (Rotterdam, V2 Publishing / NAi Publishers, 2007), co-edited with Joke Brouwer
media.art.research Award 2008

Interaction is an essential characteristic of all life forms. Interaction takes place between two creatures, and between a creature and its environment. Networks, (inter)relationships and structures form; recollections and assessments drawn from past experience coalesce. Ultimately, interaction is an essential precondition for every social organization. Functionality and practicability are the central criteria of any and all forms of interaction; they determine whether particular forms of interaction remain operational or are abandoned. Interactivity, in turn, is the method of bringing such behavior into a specific form and, at the same time, a particular approach to dealing with it, whereby attention is focused in equal measure on human activity as well as processes taking place in nature and technology. The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute has singled out INTERACT OR DIE! for recognition with its 2008 Media.Art.Research Award.
Source: Arjen Mulder (NE)

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