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Core Sample
Teri Rueb (US)
Award of Distinction ”Digital Musics” 2008

Core Sample is a GPS data-based audio tour that deals with the history and landscape of Spectacle Island in Boston Harbor. This tiny piece of land that was degraded to Boston’s garbage dump for almost a century was recently reopened to the public. The island’s past—buried under a thick stratum of clay—is no longer visible, and it’s future is not yet evident either. But Core Sample makes both audible. Visitors can borrow a small computer including an attached set of headphones and, thus equipped, set out on an audio tour of the island. Depending on the visitor’s specific location, he/she has access to a GPS-customized selection from among over 250 sounds. Statements by past and current island residents, workers and scholars augment the acoustic experience. Teri Rueb’s Core Sample is being honored with a 2008 Distinction.
Source: Teri Rueb (US)

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