

Prix Ars Electronica - International Competition for Cyberarts Prix Ars Electronica 2001
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Prix Ars Electronica - International Competition for Cyberarts
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AP200 is one of my most wonderful experiences! For the first time in the course of my studies, I had a chance to concentrate entirely on a ten-month project. Sébastien, Loïc, Benjamin and I were all motivated by a joint project: realizing a short film in 3D, mixing humor, deviousness, mangas and many winking references to our favorite films (Ghost In The Shell, Matrix, Blade (!), Star Wars, Street Fighter 2 ...) and much more ... An additional motivation was that this kind of manga implementation was something unheard of at our school. In this respect, a certain gap opened up between us and the majority of our professors (who said themselves that they neither knew nor liked this kind of culture very well). For me, the film was a chance to carry out scripting and editing work in a very thorough way (in comparison with my previous work during my art training). This was also my first experience with group work, with the discovery of the advantages and disadvantages that this entails.

Source: Sébastien Ebzant / Aurélien Delpoux / Loic Bail / Benjamin Lauwick

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