Starship Troopers
Starship Troopers follows the adventures of its heroes as they battle the Arachnid Army, a vicious armada of insect warriors on planets across the Galaxy. Tippett Studio relied exclusively on computer graphic technologies to model, animate, light and composite 225 digital BUG shots, some with thousands of Bugs. The work of Tippett Studio has focused on character design and animation for the past 15 years. Paul Verhoeven's Starship Troopers marked the first, large-scale foray into all CG production. Our involvement came early in the development process, enabling us to design the creatures with the specific needs of the various sequences and actions in mind. By working closely with the director, we were able to focus the design of each of the bugs on the role it was to play in the eventual bug-army -infantry, artillery, bomber and commander. To pre-visualize the key sequences, animatics, or moving story-boards were executed in low-res form emphasizing the kinetic feel and pacing of the action.These would later serve as blueprints for finished sequences, as well as a concrete, visual reference for the actors and crew working on location.
Source: Phil Tippett, Craig Hayes
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