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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Smart Drugs
John Hersey

John Hersey was born in 1954 and attended the Capilano Community College, Vancouver, Canada. 1974 he became a professional cartoonist and later attended the Art Center College of Design in California. 1984 he became a free-lance illustrator, 1989-90 he taught illustration related topics at California College of Arts and Crafts.

The 'face' magazine in London called on me to illustrate an article for them concerning organically based drugs that enhance basic brain function: smart drugs. Drugs that you ingest, thereby significantly improving your brainpower. The idea was to feature our amazing wet noodle (the brain) and show a transformation from a brain you can hold in the palm of your hand (a pea brain) to a megabrain; a brain so large in it's power, that you would have to transport it on a flatbed truck. The gentlemen in the lower left corner underline the transformation: from neandertal to chic and intelligent modern man with the amazing and simple procedure of ingesting these new, modern, contemporary, completely safe and smart drugs.

Technical Background

HW: Mac II, Sharp Scanner
SW: Adobe Photoshop